
PICTURE: 2 Naked ‘Witches’ Fall Out Of The Sky In Budiriro

Two suspected witches caused quite a stir in the high density suburb of Budiriro in Harare on Wednesday after they fell out of the sky.

One of the Budiriro witches
One of the Budiriro witches

The two women, both from Gokwe-Nembudziya in the Midlands, were charged with “engaging in practices commonly associated with witchcraft” before Mbare magistrates, Inspector Tadius Chibanda of Harare police said.

Their crash-landing happened after a preacher prayed in the area. They say they were on their way from Mutorashanga on a ruser0 (reed carpet).

The two were found naked with an assortment of witchcraft-associated paraphernalia including a live owl, two winnowing baskets which are used for flying in witchcraft mythology, a baboon skeleton and an orange substance in a 550ml Coca-Cola bottle.

To add a bit more to an already bizarre story, the witches asked to be let go to get back to their husbands who they cast a spell on their sleep or else they would die.

It’s creepy out there. It’s real.

With information from New and ZBC

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