
Convicted Robber Sues for Lack of Access to Porn

A Michigan man who was convicted of bank robbery has sued the state of Michigan and the governor for lack of access to porn.

Kyle Richards, 21, claims that he is being subjected to “cruel and unusual punishment” because the in which is is being held does not allow pornographic materials.

Richards also claims televisions, radios and game systems should be allowed in the jail.

 “Such living conditions have been used as a method of ‘psychological warfare’ against prisoners, in order to both destroy the morale of inmates and break the spirit of individuals,” The Detroit News reported that he stated in his five-page lawsuit.
Richards, whose criminal record includes convictions for assault and battery and assault of a prison employee, has filed several complaints in several court, and judges have dismissed at least three as frivolous. Because he has had other lawsuits labelled frivolous, a judge can dismiss any others he files.

Richards says he is suffering from chronic masturbation syndrome and sexual discomfort.

Maybe he should have thought of the ‘discomforts’ that come with incarceration before he went around robbing and beating up people huh…

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